Thursday Reflections

Hi All,

Happy Leap Year! Welcome to the first Issue of Thursday Reflections by Just Bought Some Ink! This newsletter will be a short journal entry about what I’m pondering, followed by a list of my latests blog posts and how they relate to the central theme of Just Bought Some Ink. Cheers!

What I’m thinking about:

After pondering the direction of this blog, I’ve decided to dive into finding simple joys in day-to-day life. Modern life is complicated, so the main theme of my blog is to get the reader (and myself) to slow down and save some time for reflection instead of rushing to get things done. In a sense, this blog could evolve into a minimalist lifestyle, anti-productivity blog. Although, rather than advocating for a monk-like lifestyle, I want to preach a more balanced lifestyle where individuals can enjoy the benefits of modern conveniences without the frantic anxiety that comes from adulting.

My Latest Articles

How to Adopt the Philosophy of Water: Modern life is very structured and fragile, if plans fall apart, everything else does. Be like water to adapt to your circumstances.

How to Use a Pocket Notebook: Snapshot Journaling: Writing down your emotions as they happen on a physical piece of paper is an easy way to reach clarity of thought.

Animal Crossing and the Importance of the Simple Life: The best part of Animal Crossing is simply running around one’s small town. You could find similar sources of happiness in your daily routine.

Hopefully my newsletter helps relieves some stress. Thanks for reading!

Suggestions for future posts and newsletters are always welcome! Email me at [email protected]

